A bride should feel beautiful on her big day. But when it comes to fashion, not everyone sees eye to eye. It’s hard to go dress shopping with a bride-to-be and lie through your teeth as she tries on an ugly gown she loves and asks for your opinion.The thing is, if you watched your best friend walk out of the changing room in one of these, you’d have to say something. Behold, some of the worst wedding dresses brides have ever worn. It will make you wonder why they said “yes” to the dress.
This Upcycled Apple Product Dress
There’s something to be said about technology addiction, but using recycled Apple products should never be used as a fashion statement. We’re not positive if this model is trying to sell a wedding dress or the tablet that is so aptly stored inside her vest.Or maybe it is all about the mice, and we’re not fashion-forward enough to understand the “high end” style. Either way, we would not recommend any bride-to-be to wear this on their big day.
A Balloon Dress To Make Things Festive

It’s also sad because the design isn’t horrible and probably would have looked like a very classic princess if they used regular fabric. But, no, that’d be too simple. Hopefully, she doesn’t float away during the ceremony.
This Dress That Makes Walking Painful

We’re not sure what the idea was behind binding the legs.
The model must be wearing remote-controlled skates or something because
there is no way she is walking correctly. Do designers understand that
walking down the aisle happens to be a thing during weddings?
dress makes falling down the aisle or doing the inchworm seem very
appealing. Honestly, this is one of those pieces that make people shake
their heads at high fashion.
Hot Wheels Called, They Want Their Wedding Dress Back

That being said, we’re hoping she does have some ties with the toy car franchise. That way, later down the line, she can afford to hire an excellent photoshop technician to work some magic on her dress choice.
A Royal Mistake

Still, coming from a family of very fashion-oriented people, it’s surprising that she went this outlandish with her wedding dress choice. If she was looking to make a statement with the risky cutouts, mission accomplished. It’s clear that her father is seeing the dress for the first time here, and he doesn’t approve.
She Wanted To Be Ursula For A Day

Someone should have told this model that the only
appropriate times to wear tentacles are during Halloween and if she
happens to have an alter octopus ego at home. Who are we to tell her she
can’t have a few extra limbs on her wedding day, though?
If she
wants to hold up appendages instead of a bouquet, more power to her! And
a tall crown instead of a veil, go for it! We’re hoping the wedding is
at the beach, so this Ursula-inspired dress makes some sense, at least.
This Designer Used Balloons Instead Of A Wire Skirt

On a sane note, this looks like she took a bodycon dress, stuck a plastic bag over it, cut off the bottom, so it resembled a skirt, and stuck balloons in it for volume. Just no.
This Is Called The Walking Q-Tip

There is something to be said about modesty on a wedding
day. But when that conservative attire turns into a full-blown crochet
Q-tip dress, fully equipped with arm slots that give the bride T-Rex
arms, things have gone too far.
Granted, this dress is probably
one of the more comfortable garments, but it is not something a bride
should wear on their wedding day. Let’s sick to pretty gowns and
headdresses, ladies. No one needs to walk down the aisle while looking
like a hygiene product sleeping bag hybrid.
She Wasn’t Sure If She Wanted To Hide Or Not

First things first, if you’re going to do camo for your
wedding dress, commit to the pattern. Don’t do half camo and half
traditional wedding attire. The result looks a bit sloppy, not to
mention doing wonders for our OCD. It’s unfortunate, too, because the
top layer is lovely and most likely would have made for a beautiful
Here’s to hoping her husband-to-be enjoyed the odd attire.
We’re not sure if they’re going to work out if he doesn’t. It’s a very
niche look.
When Your Budget Doesn’t Cover A Dessert Table

The only reasonable explanation for this cupcake dress is
that the venue didn’t supply the couple with a dessert table. The lack
of table is obviously not going to work, so the bride took matters into
her own hands and decked her wedding dress out with cupcake tiers.
move, but pairing the ensemble with a parasol and tiny top hat didn’t
need to happen. Honestly, in this case, the less attention brought to
the bride, the better.
Mrs. Cotton Ball

The one upside to this dress is that if the bride wants to take a power nap in the middle of the reception, she’s got a cloud to lie on!
Nothing Says “My Day” Like Four Guys Holding Up Your Oversized Hat

Hey, it’s her day, so we can’t say anything about her
wanting a little extra attention. Even if that attention is in the form
of a gigantic hat held up by for men with bamboo sticks, who are we to
We are curious if she can sit in that dress, though.
Considering how high off the ground she is, we’d put money that she is
walking on stilts. Women, rethink your attire before walking down the
aisle. There are too many components here.
When Styrofoam Is Life

The good news is that the bride can also cut expenses. With that statement headpiece, there’s no need for a hair or makeup artist! That being said, use the extra funds to at least finish the dress.
This Dress Wasn’t Sure If It Wanted To Be Long Or Mini

As pretty as this model is, there is something about the
split dress that makes us think there is a glitch in the matrix while it
was being designed. For one, inquiring minds would love to know how the
bottom part is staying on her legs.
We’d bet a full dress that
the lower half falls off when she takes a step. Not exactly the
best-case scenario when you’re supposed to walk down the aisle and then
dance. Call a seamstress, lady; you’re going to want to put that dress
back together.
“Do You Want To Build A Snowman?”

This spring snowman ensemble is quite something. Not only
can she not move her arms, therefore not being able to eat or drink
anything, we also have a feeling she was rolled down the aisle because
she was so off-balance.
How else do you move in a dress like
that? Her new husband must love her a lot because there is no way that
he got out of hand-feeding her all night long. At least they both look
over the moon.
Bright Orange Is Never A Good Idea

In the words of Elle Woods, “whoever said orange is the new pink, was seriously disturbed.” We recommend not looking at the picture for too long. The longer you stare, the brighter the orange becomes.
No Need For A Bouquet With This Dress

We’re not sure what the bride was going for here, except
that she doesn’t really care about the potential allergies of her
guests. Flowers on the reception tables, sure, even bouquets for the
bridesmaids as well as herself, would have sufficed.
An entire
gown and matching headband made entirely out of flowers, though, is a
bit over the top. At least she’s saving money on decorative flowers?
Also, gentlemen, take note, always wear a shirt underneath a dress vest.
At Least Everyone Has Matching Green Venue Wristbands

The tank top and booty shorts combination is quite a bold move. Nothing says, ‘I’m not conforming to tradition standards’ like dressing in this garb for your wedding day. Hey, at least it’s white. We wouldn’t have been surprised if it was all camo.
They Graffitied Her Dress

This couple decided to have everyone dress down on their
wedding day. Everyone but the bride is sporting tee shirts and casual
bottoms. Even the groom is wearing jeans! At least the bride decided to
dress to impress. It is her day, after all!
The only concern we
have is that they thought it was a good idea to graffiti “wifey” on her
backside. Just in case, you know, the guests forgot who the bride was,
they have a clearly labeled person.
She Went A Bit Overboard On Materials

There’s something to be said about a DIY wedding dress.
But when the DIY turns the gown into a mixture of feathers, plastic, and
toilet paper, it looks more like someone threw a bunch of trash they
found littered in the ocean and sewed it into a gown.
We’re not sure that’s what The Notebook meant when Allie asked Noah about being a bird. And, as you can tell by the groom’s face, he has no interest in being a bird.
Baby Phat And Wedding Shouldn’t Be In The Same Sentence

If there is one thing people with a slight fashion sense
know, it’s that the brand Baby Phat should never be associated with a
wedding. If it so happens to slip through the cracks, then a rule of
thumb is to never have the label and brand name huge and front and
Now, this bride not only butchered those two rules, but
she also decided to swap out the traditional white or ivory for
lavender. We’ll see if she regrets these decisions later in life.
And Here Are Some More Balloons

That is so not a possibility here. She will shock everyone until the word gets out to steer clear of touching the bride. Well, the good news is that this wedding looks like it was the furthest thing from traditional.
The Picnic Dress

As far as “worst” wedding dresses go, this one is
actually kind of cool. It’s unique, and some funky patterns and textures
are going on that make it have a retro feel. Now, take all that away
and what’s left is a bunch of stuff that is better utilized at a picnic.
talking plastic spoons, forks, knives, cups, napkins, and even plates
were used to make this one of a kind dress. Hopefully, the reception is
in a park!
One More Balloon Dress, For Good Measure

All of the women in the balloon dresses must know one
another. Either that or they all frequent the same DIY sites. As a
general PSA to all brides out there looking for their gown, don’t think
about using balloons!
You’re not going to be able to sit, and once
one pops, then it’s all downhill from there. Unless you feel like
running into the bathroom to blow up a new balloon each time you hear a
pop and feel a sting on your skin!
Dress Made Of Cupcake Foils

She should really go meet up with the lady in the cupcake dress. They could discuss their love of the dessert and how they should both think about calling to get their designer fired.
Be The Cake

It all sounds gross and a bit morbid. Also, if you are going to do something this ridiculous, make sure the cake inside doesn’t look like hap-hazardous legos.
Bride Cream Puff

A dress made out of cream puffs may seem like a solid
idea because they are delicious desserts, but let’s go over the biggest
con. How on Earth is this bride planning on sitting down? Once that
happens, half of the cream-filled dough balls on the back of her dress
are going to be smashed and explode.
And can we say, that’s not a
good look on anyone? Let’s do this instead, bypass all dessert attire
and wear a dress with the same color scheme and pattern. Problem solved.
She Must Be A Fan

When it comes to supporting your team, we get it; you’re
going to have a lot of swag. That being said, the swag doesn’t have to
translate over to your wedding day. There is no reason why you should
have another man’s number on while you’re walking down the aisle to your
Even if they’re huge Allen Iverson fans, steer clear of
wearing bodycon sports-related attire with a weird train to your
wedding. Especially if fingerless elbow-high gloves are involved.
Glinda The Good Witch

This bride definitely wanted to be a princess for a day.
Decked out in something only Glinda the Good Witch can pull off, this
pink powder puff went all out. Nothing says you’re ready to say “I do”
more than a foot tall crown and a magic wand.
Take note, ladies;
wands are never a good idea unless it is for a Halloween costume. And
tiaras are fine if they are tiny, delicate, and pretty much there as an
ornament — not an entire headpiece.
Star Light Star Bright

Whatever the case, this isn’t a good look for anyone. Not only does it make the poofy dress look even poofier, but there is also a battery pack located somewhere that is going to be poking you all night.
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